Inglês 3B Semana 02
Estude EAD

Inglês 3B Semana 02

Atividade 1

Com base na nossa videoaula 2 – Listening to an opening talk – destaque os aspectos mais significativos aprendidos.

2. Listening to an Opening Talk

Nesta aula, foram mostrados o conceito de “active listening”; o reconhecimento de algumas características da linguagem corporal que nos ajudam na construção de significados; como identificar os tipos de listening e; como praticar a compreensão em uma palestra de abertura.
Learning Objectives was: Understand what active listening is, Recognize some characteristics of body language that can help us in comprehension and meaning making and practice listening in an academic event. Active listening involves listening with all senses, for example: to understand (compreender), to feel (sentir), to sense (sentido de participação), to realize (consciência), to learn (aprender). You are active in listening when you hear what people are really saying, not only the words but you are aware of the whole situation. Also when you try to understand the whole message in terms of its main ideas. We can to show that we are actively involved: ask questions, paraphrase, some other things. There are some things you should avoid as interrupting, distracting noises and gestures, overtalking.
About Body Language we should make eye contact, use facial expressions, head nods, gestures. It can show us how much we are involved with or interested in something or somebody, how much you like and dislike things and if we understand what the speaker is trying to say. A nonverbal communication can help comprehension in some functions as affirmation, contradiction, reinforcement, complementation, substitution.
The primary purposes of listening is: Listen for the gist, Listen for specific information, Listen in detail, Listen to infer something. Was to show us a video for listen everything topics about primary purposes of listening. The governor John Kasich was the person that have explained their ideas. Another video was showed, was about a King talking with their people. This video served for we paying attention in their attitude, mood (temperamento), tone of voice.
So... Why do we listen? We listen for many reasons. We listen for information, for criticism, for appreciation, for empathy, and other things.

Atividade 2

Com base na videoaula 2, liste 3 atitudes que mostram que você está ouvindo ativamente.

- You hear what people are really saying;
- You hear not only the words but you are aware of the whole situation;
- You try to understand the whole message in terms of its main ideas;
- Ask questions, Paraphrase, participating, some other things.

Atividade 3

Watch the Stem Conference Opening Talk video (00:00 a 03:15) and answer the questions below. Select all the possible answers.

1. Who can you identifty the video?

a. (x) the conference attendees

b. ( ) the student’s who will perform live music

c. ( ) the host (presenter)

d. ( ) the keynote speaker

2. The host (presenter) is:

a. ( ) Welcoming the participants

b. ( ) Introducing the keynote speaker

c. (x) Reading the keynote speaker resume

d. ( ) Talking about the importance of Stem in Education

3. What would you say about the Secretary’s attitude, mood and tone of voice?


a. ( ) He uses friendly gestures.

b. ( ) He smiles.

c. ( ) He has a nice tone of voice.


d. ( ) He has an attitude of fear and discomfort.

e. (x) He does not use friendly gestures.

f. (x) He rolls his eyes and bends his head down almost all the time.


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Estude EAD
