Inglês IVb Semana 06
Estude EAD

Inglês IVb Semana 06

Exercício 1

Choose one of the words from the box to complete the tables given below. Table 1 is given to you as an example.


Table 1 (example)

someone to
hire a professional to
people who
me for

Table 2

hiring me
regret letting me
asking me
giving me

Table 3

education in
sound knowledge of
practices in
understanding of

Table 4

benefit from
ultimately improve

Table 5

you to
enable students to
me to
the development of

Exercício 2

The dialogue below was taken from episode 9, season 9, of the Big Bang Theory TV series. In this episode Howard unexpectedly meets Elon Musk — a business magnate, engineer, and investor — in a soup kitchen and hopes to get a job in one of his companies. To do that he introduces himself in a way that is very similar to what he could have said in a video résumé.

Read the dialogue and mark the kinds of information that Howard has given Elon in hope of getting a job.

Howard: You’re Elon Musk!
Elon: I am.
Howard: What are you doing here?
Elon: I’m washing dishes. Well, I was on the turkey line, but I got demoted for being too generous with the gravy.
Howard: Oh, man, what an honour to meet you. I’m, I’m such a fan of Tesla and SpaceX. All your companies. Howard Wolowitz, Caltech.
Elon: Nice to meet you, Howard. Feels great to come down here and help the less fortunate, huh?
Howard: Oh, yeah. Nothing better than helping people. Which is something I realized when I was viewing Earth from the deck of the International Space Station, where I spent two months as a payload specialist, a job I was qualified for because I’m an MIT-trained engineer.

( X) Introduction
( ) Objective
( ) Education
( X )Work experience
( X )Skills
( ) Other considerations
( ) Contact information

Exercício 3

Read the sentences below and mark (Y) for things you should do and (N) for things you shouldn’t do when recording a video résumé.

( N )Wear too much make up.
( Y) Dress formally.
( N) Speak fast and in a flat voice.
( N) Move a lot.
( Y) Use positive body language.
( N) Use words such as like, erm, ah.
( Y) Speak clearly.
( N) Pull some negative facial expressions.
( Y) Keep your video short (no more than 1-3 minutes in total).
( Y) Throw good energy by smiling to the audience.
( Y) Maintain a relaxed posture.
( Y) Engage the audience by looking directly at the camera.


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Estude EAD
