Inglês IVa Semana 05
Estude EAD

Inglês IVa Semana 05

Atividade 1

Das expressões abaixo, selecione aquelas que são usadas para aceitar um convite. Mais de uma resposta é possível.

( x ) That’s very kind of you. I’ll be delighted to go.

( ) I’d like to, but I’ll have to travel that day.

( x ) With the greatest pleasure. I’ll be there.

( ) I’m afraid I have another engagement.

Atividade 2

Escolha a alternativa mais adequada de resposta ao convite feito.

1. I’d like to ask you to attend my presentation.

a. Ok, let’s go.

b. You’re kidding!

c. It will be a pleasure.

2. How about having a cup of coffee?

a. Great! Good idea!

b. It would be a pleasure!

Atividade 3

Assista ao vídeo da atividade de Cultural Awareness ( e assinale as expressões que a Melanie não usa para convidar as pessoas.

( x ) What about having lunch together? Are you free on Tuesday?

( ) Hey, I’m thinking of trying out this new restaurant. Are you interested in joining me?

( ) I have tickets to this concert. Would you like to come?

( ) I was thinking of going to that new movie and I think it’s showing in the downtown theatres. Do you wanna join me?

( x ) Would you like to come with me to the new shopping centre?


- Inglês Iva Semana 04
Atividade 1Escolha, entre as palavras abaixo, a mais adequada para completar cada uma das expressões:beer ham cheese wine bread eggs juiceExpressões:a. A slice of cheese .b. 100 Grams of ham .c. A loaf of bread .d. A can of beer .e. A bottle of Wine.f....

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Atividade 1 Baseado nas regras vistas na videoaula 2, escolha a pronúncia final adequada das palavras abaixo: 1. Cents a. /s/ b. /z/ c. /iz/ 2. Calls a. /z/ b. /s/ c. /iz/ 3. Changes a. /iz/ b. /s/ c. /z/ Atividade 2 Você está em Denver e precisa...

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Atividade 1 Complete as lacunas do texto usando as palavras abaixo: Pedro and Alice just moved into a off-campushouse in Denver. They have signed a three-month lease, following the lease tips they got from Student Legal Services. They will share the...

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Estude EAD
