Inglês IIIB Semana 05
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Inglês IIIB Semana 05

5. Attending a paper session

In this class, we saw: how became familiar the characteristics of a paper session; Structures ( layout) and language used in an oral presentation and was watched an paper session.
Continuing the class about conferences, it was about “attending a paper session”. But, what's a paper session? Is a short session with a small number of people, It have a length 1 hour approximately and is a place for presentation and discussion of academic issues. This session is free entry and exit after each paper. Ateending a paper session sucessfully you need to be familiar with the structure and language used, be an active listener, take notes and ask questions.
So, a general structure of paper presentation is: Beginning (speaker 's introduction, objectives, overview of the presentation), Middle (points that will be presented (context, research participants, introduction methods, results, discussion)) and End (Conclusion, references, thanks, questions sessions, final considerations).
About language, be attentive. To beginning: (Greetings (good morning/afternoon/evening, hello/hi/morning everyone (informal), introducing oneself (Let me intrduce myself, I'm..., I'm from Univesp and...), Stating purpose (my topic today is..., I'm going to talk about..., I'd like to begin by showing you..., the aim of this talk today is...), Presentation overview (Fisrtly, what I want to do is to give you some background..., I'm going to deal with 3 aspects..., I've divided my talk in... parts. Firstly, I will... Secondly, I will... Thirdly, I will...)). To Middle: Signalling change/move (my next point is..., moving away from..., I'd like now to discuss..., now I'd like to turn to...). To End: Concluding and Thanking (To conclude..., to sum up..., in this presentation I wanted to..., thank you for your attention, thank you very much for listening, many thanks for your attention), Invinting for questions (I'll be glad to answer your questions if you have any, We have some time for questions, If you have any question, I would be pleased to answer now).

Atividade 1

Com base na nossa videoaula 5 - Attending a paper session - escreva (em inglês) item a item que compõe as partes de uma apresentação oral, considerando as estruturas mencionadas: beginning, middle and end.


Atividade 2

Watch the video and answer the questions below.


a. What is the students’ affiliation? (answer in English).

They are Polly and Caleb, students of Polytechnic University of Hong Kong. It's a example of effective presentations introdution.

b. What is the presenter informing from 02:05 to 02:34m?.

( ) Introducing herself

(X) Stating the purpose

( ) Giving an overview of the presentation

( ) Presenting some data

c. What is the presenter informing from 02:38 to 03:14m?

( ) Introducing herself

( ) Stating the purpose

(X) Giving an overview of the presentation

( ) Presenting some data


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