Inglês IVb Semana 05
Estude EAD

Inglês IVb Semana 05

Exercício 1
Choose the correct alternative.
1. A curriculum vitae is:
b. A longer document where you list work experiences, skills and academic achievements.
2. A résumé is:
a. A concise document where you relate your work experience and skills.
3. Your first college degree is called a:
c. Bachelor.

Exercício 2
Match the sections of a résumé, on the left, to the sentences on the right.
1. Identifying information - 900 Auraria Parkway, Denver, CO 80204
2. Objective - lab assistant position in a school in Brazil.
3. Skills - Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator. Final Cut, Pro Tools
4. Education - BS, Music.
5. Work Experience - Research environments to enhance artist experience and client creativity.
6. Other considerations - 1st place award in a public speaking competition at Columbine High School, Littleton, CO.

Exercício 3
Select the odd man out. Which of the sections below are not part of a résumé?
1. Identifying information;
2. Objectives;
3. Skills;
4. Education;
5. Research projects;
6. Work experience;
7. Publications;
8. Other considerations.


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Estude EAD
