Inglês IVB Semana 07
Estude EAD

Inglês IVB Semana 07

In the Lesson 7, we saw a review about all classes of eighth bimester. They are:

·         Lesson 01 – Participating in an academic forum: talking about keypoints of texts or presentations and expressions  of arguments  for or against that points;
·         Lesson 02 – Participating in class discussions: A positioning linked at view of points of classmates and expression of agree and disagree with these points;
·         Lesson 03 -  Tutoring Sessions: Treatment ways relatives at teachers em CU, Denver, expressions of interesting and academic needs, descritions of activities relatives at different ways of learnings;
·         Lesson 04 – Talking about projects: Integration project presentation and a form of create asks and answers about it;
·         Lesson 05 – Looking for an internship -  How to do a résumé;
·         Lesson 06 – Applying for an internship – How to do a video résumé;

With all these classes, we have sure that learning so much. Now, We can:

·         To cite a key point in a text and Express my views and offer an argument (Lesson 1);
·         To take a stand and agree, disagree, or sit on the fence (Lesson 2)
·         To address my tutor, talk about my academic needs and interests and talk about my learning style (Lesson 3);
·         To talk about my project to my classmates and ask questions about other students’ projects (Lesson 4);
·         Tell the difference between a CV and a résumé and write it (Lesson 5);
·         To create a video résumé (Lesson 6).


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Estude EAD
